Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Dear Mr Clinton:

When you became the President, a lot of folks believed another JFK or Lincoln had arrived in the White House. You set out with noble ideals but you soon met with quite a few policy problems – for example, the failure (with the First Lady playing a prominent role) to introduce a national health system much like our own here in Scotland.

But everything went wrong for you (and your millions of fans round the world) when you messed it all up in the trouser department. It must have been embarrassing to have your sperm produced in court as evidence. No man would be happy for his sexual peccadilloes to be aired in a public arena, but what bothers me most is not actually how the most powerful man in the world could be caught with his pants down but your odd definition of “sexual relations.”

Sexuality is never black and white but a spectrum which incorporates every possible human (and sometimes inhuman) desire. But you have sworn that oral sex is not sex!  Are you kidding?

I did not have sex with that woman,” you declared at the hearing, referring to Ms Monica Lewinski, despite the fact her dress was splashed with semen which subsequent DNA testing confirmed could be nobody else's but yours – in fact, according to official statistics, the odds against were one in 7.87 trillion. Monica once very kindly suggested that the stain could be spinach (a dip) but it's highly unlikely that spinach and sperm could be somehow confused in her mind, apart from the fact they begin with the self-same two letters.

So between you and me, Bill, it wasn't an accident, was it? You didn't ejaculate out of the blue (on her pretty blue dress) as she happened to get in the way!

This is not irrelevant, I venture to suggest. When it comes to government policy (war, the economy, health, education, etc.), it is hard to believe you are telling the truth when you have such a strange definition of sexual relations. How can people trust you when you say we should increase the level of taxes in order to balance the budget when you don't think that having your cock sucked is having real sex?

What if someone asked about the Palestine problem? Interest rates? Climate change? Nuclear weapons? The Balkans?  Could we trust you to tell us the truth?

I'm disappointed, Bill. But I am willing to change my opinion if you will admit you are wrong about what really constitutes sexual relations. More than most people, I am aware I am mortal and won't live forever. So perhaps, if you share my perspective on matters like this, you will finally tell us the truth?

In a parallel universe, things would be totally different. I am in the White House with a couple of friends (Rob and Stuart), and I have a few drinks and I stay up all night, and I have a few more drinks, and get a bit carried away, and I launch a few nuclear missiles, to see what will happen, and the next day the world ends, apart from a few billion cockroaches, spiders and sharks, who've seen it all before and always somehow managed to survive...

Did you ever feel tempted to give it a try? Did you want to know if Monica loved you because of your body or because you had the power to destroy the world (apart from a few billion cockroaches, spiders and sharks) and declare the end of history forever and ever?

A lot of people say they are addicted to sex as if that means they can't be held responsible for any of their actions in the trouser department. But I find that hard to believe.

Will you tell me the truth, Bill? It's not much to ask, for a man who has only a short time to live – unlike the cockroaches, spiders and sharks which I referenced earlier on (twice).

Best wishes,

Ben Nevis (deceased)